Dua negara di kawasan Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara, Libya dan Suriah, memiliki kisah ekonomi yang penuh liku. Meski sama-sama kaya sumber daya alam, keduanya menghadapi tantangan berat akibat konflik dan ketidakstabilan politik.Namun, di balik itu, … Read more »
- Indusri Semikonduktor di Era Prabowo16 Mar 20250
Jakarta - Industri elektronik dan semikonduktor Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk bersaing di pasar global. Dengan kekayaan sumber da...
- UAE Keen to Partake in Indonesian SWF Fund18 Jan 20200
illustration Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, expressed interest to participate in the construction of Indonesia’...
- Garap Pasar Afrika, Indonesia Beri Utang ke Aljazair16 Dec 20190
Indonesia bukanlah negara yang mempunyai utang saja. Akan tetapi juga memberi utang ke negara lain. Utang itu diberikan dalam bentuk pembiayaa...
- Soal Usulan Presiden 3 Periode, Partai Bulan Bintang Berpendapat Ada Upaya Diskreditkan Jokowi03 Dec 20190
ilustrasi Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB) menilai wajar Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) marah atas wacana penambahan masa jabatan presiden. Sebab, menu...
- Menang Lawan Singapura, Ini Posisi Indonesia Klasemen Grup B Sepakbola SEA Games 201928 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Timnas Indonesia U-22 menyamai poin Vietnam di klasemen sementara Grup B Sepakbola SEA Games 2019. Garuda Muda menang di laga kedua mela...
- Produk OPOP Pesantren Tembus Pasar Halal OKI28 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat melalui Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Jabar, memberangkatkan perwakilan lima koperasi pondok pesantren y...
- Dubai's DP World Reveals Ambitious Plans for Senegal and Mali09 Oct 20170
Port developer and operator DP World has announced that construction work on its Port de Futur will begin in Senegal by the end of 2018. The projec...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
Indusri Semikonduktor di Era Prabowo
Jakarta - Industri elektronik dan semikonduktor Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk bersaing di pasar global. Dengan kekayaan sumber daya alam, tenaga kerja yang kompetitif, dan pasar domestik yang besar, Indonesia dapat menjadi pemain… Read more »
G-77 Ingin Sanksi Ekonomi ke Iran Diakhiri
Ratusan negara yang bergabung dalam G-77 mendorong diakhirinya sanksi ekonomi ke Iran.Grup yang didirikan oleh sebagian besar negara-negara non-blok ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat harkat dan martabat negara-negara berkembang.Di dalamnya j… Read more »
Biden Menang Telak dari Trump di Polling @JimlyAS
Capres Joe Biden menang telak dari Donald Trump dari polling Twitter di akun @JimlyAs milik anggota DPD dan Ketum ICMI Jimly Asshiddiqie ini.Walaupun polling ini tidak menunjukkan hasil akhir pilpres AS, namun bisa dilihat antusiasme masy… Read more »
Turkey's TİKA Supports Rohingya in the Fight against COVID19
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) distributed 5,000 hygiene parcels to Rohingya refugees who combat COVID-19 in refugee camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.Rohingya Muslims have taken refuge in Bangladesh since August 25, 20… Read more »
From Orphan to Airline Owner in Kenya
By Samwel Kumba and Justus Ondari Seeing him seated in his spacious office along North Airport Road, Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), one would be forgiven for assuming that Captain Musa Bulhan has had it easy in life. For Ca… Read more »
Kenya Jambojet to Fulfill Requirements for Direct Flight to Somalia
Jambojet has put on hold plans to launch direct flights from Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Somali capital Mogadishu due to high insurance needed to ply the route.The budget carrier, a subsidiary on national carri… Read more »
Iran Opens a Supermarket in Venezuela With High-Tech Covid Defenses
But it is the first one owned by a company in Iran, one of the few countries helping Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro evade U.S. sanctions. And it comes equipped with a kind of high-tech Covid shield -- an airport-scanner-like booth tha… Read more »
The Rise of Syrian Entrepreneurship
Think of the Syrian economy and the first issues that come to mind are sanctions, hyperinflation, unemployment and poverty — but not entrepreneurship.Surprisingly, however, although the war has taken a toll on business, entrepreneurs are … Read more »
- Indusri Semikonduktor di Era Prabowo16 Mar 20250
Jakarta - Industri elektronik dan semikonduktor Indonesia memiliki potensi besar untuk bersaing di pasar global. Dengan kekayaan sumber da...
- MBS Launches Saudi Arabia's First Nuclear Plant Project08 Nov 20180
illustrastion Saudi Arabia's crown prince has launched a project to build the first nuclear research reactor in the kingdom, the Saudi Press Agen...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Tolerance: Nigeria Could Teach the West a Few Things04 Jan 20170
A trip is often defined by its surprises, so here are my biggest revelations from six days in Lagos, Nigeria. Most of all, I found Lagos to be muc...
- Iran masters major oil drilling method27 May 20100
Iranian engineers have domestically carried out a major standard oil and natural gas excavation technique which was formerly employed only by Weste...
- The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries17 May 20100
The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries will take place on Monday in Tehran. Presidents of Brazil, Algeria and Senegal have already a...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Business: Airbus Will Sell 100 Planes to Iran After Similar Boeing Deal24 Dec 20160
The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus completed a deal on Thursday to sell 100 jetliners to Iran, a move described by both sides as a major ste...
- Iran masters major oil drilling method27 May 20100
Iranian engineers have domestically carried out a major standard oil and natural gas excavation technique which was formerly employed only by Weste...
- The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries17 May 20100
The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries will take place on Monday in Tehran. Presidents of Brazil, Algeria and Senegal have already a...
- Soal Usulan Presiden 3 Periode, Partai Bulan Bintang Berpendapat Ada Upaya Diskreditkan Jokowi03 Dec 20190
ilustrasi Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB) menilai wajar Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) marah atas wacana penambahan masa jabatan presiden. Sebab, menu...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Tolerance: Nigeria Could Teach the West a Few Things04 Jan 20170
A trip is often defined by its surprises, so here are my biggest revelations from six days in Lagos, Nigeria. Most of all, I found Lagos to be muc...
- Iran masters major oil drilling method27 May 20100
Iranian engineers have domestically carried out a major standard oil and natural gas excavation technique which was formerly employed only by Weste...
- The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries17 May 20100
The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries will take place on Monday in Tehran. Presidents of Brazil, Algeria and Senegal have already a...
- Menang Lawan Singapura, Ini Posisi Indonesia Klasemen Grup B Sepakbola SEA Games 201928 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Timnas Indonesia U-22 menyamai poin Vietnam di klasemen sementara Grup B Sepakbola SEA Games 2019. Garuda Muda menang di laga kedua mela...
- Football: Zimbabwe look to surprise in AFCON04 Jan 20170
Zimbabwe, dubbed “The Warriors” by home fans, return to the Africa Cup of Nations for the third time hoping to shrug off their minnows tag after fa...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Business: Airbus Will Sell 100 Planes to Iran After Similar Boeing Deal24 Dec 20160
The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus completed a deal on Thursday to sell 100 jetliners to Iran, a move described by both sides as a major ste...
- Iran masters major oil drilling method27 May 20100
Iranian engineers have domestically carried out a major standard oil and natural gas excavation technique which was formerly employed only by Weste...
- The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries17 May 20100
The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries will take place on Monday in Tehran. Presidents of Brazil, Algeria and Senegal have already a...
- Turkey's TİKA Supports Rohingya in the Fight against COVID1904 Aug 20200
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) distributed 5,000 hygiene parcels to Rohingya refugees who combat COVID-19 in refugee c...
- Kenya Jambojet to Fulfill Requirements for Direct Flight to Somalia31 Jul 20200
Jambojet has put on hold plans to launch direct flights from Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Somali capital M...
- Iran Opens a Supermarket in Venezuela With High-Tech Covid Defenses31 Jul 20200
But it is the first one owned by a company in Iran, one of the few countries helping Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro evade U.S. sanctio...
- The Rise of Syrian Entrepreneurship27 Jul 20200
Think of the Syrian economy and the first issues that come to mind are sanctions, hyperinflation, unemployment and poverty — but not entre...
- Nominations Open for Hamdan-ICESCO Prize for Distinguished Academic26 Jul 20200
The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished...
- UAE Keen to Partake in Indonesian SWF Fund18 Jan 20200
illustration Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, expressed interest to participate in the construction of Indonesia’...
- PB SEMMI Wakili Indonesia di Kegiatan Kepemudaan OKI28 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Pengurus Besar Serikat Mahasiswa Muslimin Indonesia (PB SEMMI) mewakili Indonesia dalam forum Islamic Young Leader Summit 2019 di Jakart...
- Football: Zimbabwe look to surprise in AFCON04 Jan 20170
Zimbabwe, dubbed “The Warriors” by home fans, return to the Africa Cup of Nations for the third time hoping to shrug off their minnows tag after fa...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Tolerance: Nigeria Could Teach the West a Few Things04 Jan 20170
A trip is often defined by its surprises, so here are my biggest revelations from six days in Lagos, Nigeria. Most of all, I found Lagos to be muc...
- Business: Airbus Will Sell 100 Planes to Iran After Similar Boeing Deal24 Dec 20160
The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus completed a deal on Thursday to sell 100 jetliners to Iran, a move described by both sides as a major ste...
- Film Sci-Fi Iran Mulai Rambah Tema Antariksa13 Dec 20190
Para pelaku layar perak Iran mulai merambah tema-tema non konvensional dalam film buatan mereka.Salah satunya adalah film berdurasi pendek...
- Ternyata Pesantren Tebuireng Sudah Produksi Banyak Film28 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Pondok Pesantren (PP) Tebuireng Jombang Jawa Timur kembali melakukan lompatan besar dalam pengembangan budaya, terutama di lingkungan po...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Tolerance: Nigeria Could Teach the West a Few Things04 Jan 20170
A trip is often defined by its surprises, so here are my biggest revelations from six days in Lagos, Nigeria. Most of all, I found Lagos to be muc...
- Business: Airbus Will Sell 100 Planes to Iran After Similar Boeing Deal24 Dec 20160
The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus completed a deal on Thursday to sell 100 jetliners to Iran, a move described by both sides as a major ste...
- Menang Lawan Singapura, Ini Posisi Indonesia Klasemen Grup B Sepakbola SEA Games 201928 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Timnas Indonesia U-22 menyamai poin Vietnam di klasemen sementara Grup B Sepakbola SEA Games 2019. Garuda Muda menang di laga kedua mela...
- Ternyata Pesantren Tebuireng Sudah Produksi Banyak Film28 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Pondok Pesantren (PP) Tebuireng Jombang Jawa Timur kembali melakukan lompatan besar dalam pengembangan budaya, terutama di lingkungan po...
- Produk OPOP Pesantren Tembus Pasar Halal OKI28 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat melalui Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Jabar, memberangkatkan perwakilan lima koperasi pondok pesantren y...
- PB SEMMI Wakili Indonesia di Kegiatan Kepemudaan OKI28 Nov 20190
ilustrasi Pengurus Besar Serikat Mahasiswa Muslimin Indonesia (PB SEMMI) mewakili Indonesia dalam forum Islamic Young Leader Summit 2019 di Jakart...
- Egypt Hosts 1st International Arms Expo25 Dec 20180
Source In a bid to boost image, Egypt hosts 1st international arms expo Egypt opened its first international weapons fair on Monday, an event tha...
- Football: Zimbabwe look to surprise in AFCON04 Jan 20170
Zimbabwe, dubbed “The Warriors” by home fans, return to the Africa Cup of Nations for the third time hoping to shrug off their minnows tag after fa...
- Indonesia: PT DI Delivers CN235-220M Aircraft to Senegal04 Jan 20170
State-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will deliver one more CN235-220M Multipurpose Aircraft bought by A.D.-Trade Belgium for ...
- Tolerance: Nigeria Could Teach the West a Few Things04 Jan 20170
A trip is often defined by its surprises, so here are my biggest revelations from six days in Lagos, Nigeria. Most of all, I found Lagos to be muc...
- Business: Airbus Will Sell 100 Planes to Iran After Similar Boeing Deal24 Dec 20160
The European aircraft manufacturer Airbus completed a deal on Thursday to sell 100 jetliners to Iran, a move described by both sides as a major ste...
- Iran masters major oil drilling method27 May 20100
Iranian engineers have domestically carried out a major standard oil and natural gas excavation technique which was formerly employed only by Weste...
- The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries17 May 20100
The 14th summit of the Group of 15 developing countries will take place on Monday in Tehran. Presidents of Brazil, Algeria and Senegal have already a...
- The Purpose of The Group of 15 Summit10 May 20100
The G15, a group of 17 developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America, was set up to foster cooperation and provide input for other inter...
- Tehran to host G15 summit10 May 20100
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman says an upcoming meeting of the Group of 15 (G15) will present a good opportunity for cooperation to member state...